Sunday, 12 February 2012

Week 1 Training

Training has not being going great up to now what with major changes to my job and Mums sudden illness creating a new stress for me and eating into my training time. I was not getting along with the Don Fink training plan so I searched for a different plan on the internet then set about swapping days around to meet with my commitments and when I have access to the pool for swimming sessions.
Plan 44 lengths swim.
Finished work early for a change so was feeling calm when I arrived at the pool, there was a lane in so I got going and it was just going good so I kept going till I started to tire. 66 lengths 37 mins.
plan 40 min cycle with 6x20 second sprints.
This looked easy on paper but by the last sprint I was hurting. Did the session on the turbo as as it was freezing and dark outside. Distance 14.13 miles.
Plan 5 miles easy run.
Finished work late so was late to Junior Ripon Runners and it was very icy so Juniors trained on the cricket pitch. Not much running around for the coaches. Afterwards the conditions had put a lot of the Adults off so I ended up moving up a group and running at the back of Vicky's group, Result 6.3 miles moderate.
WEDNESDAY Plan said rest Day, so rest it was.
Club Training.
Weather was appalling, rain, Sleet and snow falling onto already frozen ground made for treacherous conditions. Result (much to the amusement of the locals) interval training around the market square. The paths were clearest there. $ miles covered.
40 min easy bike, Swim Training.
I got up late and decided to do the bike after swimming in the evening. Friday is normally swim training at Ripon Grammar school. It was the last day of half term but a meeting ran on and it became the usual Friday rush to get up to the school in time. I got downstairs ready to go and turned my phone on, there was a message saying that there was no training due to a heating issue. I checked the timetable for the Spa Baths and they had a session from 6PM so I decided to have a brew and go to that. When I got there the strokes came easy and I managed 3200 yards, the furthest I have ever swum to date.
On the way home I went to the shop to get tea, then went home and cooked it. it soon was late so I abandoned the Idea of Turboing.
Endurance Bike 40 miles.
Never slept well due to chlorine irritating my sinuses. It was minus 6 outside so I decided to turbo 40 miles, I put when Harry Met Sally on and got going. It was not my type of film and was struggling to focus. when it ended I searched on the computer and found T fabulous Baker Brothers, that was more my thing, mmmm! food. Soon I had completed 40 miles and decided to do half of Friday's lost session. Total miles 45
Endurance run 15 miles
Sinuses still giving me bother so another poor night's sleep. Still the run was not going to do its self. The weather was warmer 2 above zero but I wrapped up warm anyway. soon I was overheating so at 4 miles I headed home for a comfort break and to strip off a couple of layers. That did the trick I found my rhythm and had soon notched up another 10 miles, I still had energy and time so altered my route a bit to increase the miles. Total 17.3 miles. When I got home I had bacon, sausage and mushroom butty then Jumped on the turbo for Friday's lost 20 mins and notched up another 5.5 miles
Total training this week has covered 96 miles in 8 sessions over 10 hours.
All in all a great first week. hope it continues for the rest of the plan

1 comment:

  1. Well done on completing week 1, my 16 week half Ironman plan kicks off next month ready for cotswolds 113 - Good luck wit the training and we need to pop in to see how each otehr training is going, on here and Twitter!

